Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stone Soup

Today in honor of our reader story for the week...we made Stone Soup!   Okay well, the stones MAY have been marshmallows and rather than adding onions, carrots, and other veggies we MAY have added candy corn, cheetohs, and other snacks...but it was our version of the story anyway. :) We all worked together to add the ingredient and found that having fun and snacking together made us happy just like the villagers in the story.

Monday, October 29, 2012

No School Friday!

There will be no school on Friday due to a teacher's meeting!  All tests will be given on Thursday. NO COSTUMES AT SCHOOL on halloween please. :)

Land of Gallon Games

Today we learned about capacity.  It turns out there is a kingdom far away called the Land of Gallon where there are 4 Queens (quarts), each having a Prince and a Princess (2 pints), and each Prince and Princess has 2 Cats (cups). :)  In the afternoon the students participated in the Land of Gallon Games where they were challenged to use their knowledge of capacity to complete 4 challenges.  Fun!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012


I am pleased to announce that every student made an A on today's Spelling Test!  Very impressive.  Thank you for the work you put in at home.  Report cards will be coming home to you on Monday, October 15th and next week will begin the 2nd nine weeks.  Time flies when you are having fun. :)

For the first 9 weeks of school the following students have perfect attendance and were here everyday since the first day making learning a priority.  Great Job guys! Blake Dial, Luis Araujo, Rhyan Mitchell, Jakobi Neal.

Community Planning

Today we created a community...
First the students decided on the 20 most important parts of a community.

 Then they each created a location for the community complete with an explanation of why it is important.

Next they placed each location on the map in an order than made sense for the community.

 Finally, they connected the community locations with roads and highways.


Future Community Leaders in the Making!!!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our Visit to the BBPD

Our field trip was a GREAT success.  The students were extremely good and asked terrific questions so we could all learn more.  Thank you Officer Luper for taking the time to show us around and for sharing your morning with us!