6th Grade Reading
Mrs. Williams
Spring Semester-2015
My expectations for you:
● I expect you to come to class on time and
prepared to begin.
● I expect you to be a willing participant
in the class.
● I expect you to do the work that has been
assigned to you.
● I expect you to be respectful and
● I expect you to communicate with me.
I can’t help you if I don’t know.
● I expect you to do your very best! You
never know what you can accomplish until you try!
What you can expect from me:
will be prepared for class so that we can get more done.
will maintain a safe classroom where we respect one another.
will listen to you, and expect the same from you when I speak.
will have high expectations for you and encourage you to live up to them.
will find ways to keep learning fun.
Classroom Behavior: I don’t anticipate having any problems in class, but in the event
that your behavior is less than your best you will be held responsible for your
decisions. There will be a conduct book to keep track of all infractions
in class. For more information about possible consequences of bad choices
see the school handbook. I will not have hall passes in my classroom. There is
plenty of time to do what you need to do between classes. I will keep a record
of anytime you need to leave the class due to unpreparedness or a non
class-related task.
To be successful in this classroom
remember these things…
Ø You can’t learn if you aren’t here.
Ø You can’t learn if you are distracted.
Cell phones should be OFF, and backpacks are not allowed in class.
Ø You can’t learn if you aren’t
prepared. Please have your supplies with you and your homework completed.
Homework: Homework in reading will primarily be reading your library book
assignments and studying spelling and vocabulary words. Any work not
finished in class should be completed as homework and is due the following
class period. Occasionally homework assignments will be made in class for
extra practice. When homework is assigned in class… be responsible, do
your own work, and pay attention to the due dates.
Grades: Your
grade will consist of the following: AR Book Tests, Book Reports, Reading Tests,
Spelling Tests, Vocabulary Quizzes, Notebook Grades, and Daily Work.
Tests will generally be every 2 weeks. Grades will not be weighted; everything
is important. 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, <60=F
Absences and Late Work: If you are absent from class it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to
find out about missed work. I will not find you. You will have one
class day for every missed day to make up your work, after that deductions will
be taken from your grade or credit will not be given depending on the situation
when they are due and have 3 to 4 weeks to complete them. Do not wait until the
last minute. When your absence means you’ve missed a test or quiz that must be done
in class, you will need to come in before school or during lunch to make it
up. You are allowed one “forget to come in at lunch,” on the second
no-show the grade will be recorded as a zero.
Semester Curriculum
Reading Passports: You will be required to complete one reading assignment each month
and will be selecting books based on the genre outlined in your passport.
It is a good idea to have your library book approved by me before starting to
read. I will be looking at the genre, number of pages, and book level to
determine whether the book meets our goals. You should be looking at your
reading passport to find the genres you have left to read after the first
EXCUSES. NO LATE WORK. Here are the due dates for the second semester:
1. January 22
2. February 19
3. March 11
4. April 22
5. May 12
**Reading and testing on extra books and “tweeting” about
books you read will earn you bonus points. I will not be giving paper
work for extra credit. Extra Reading = Extra Credit.
Spelling: You will usually have a 20 word spelling list every 2 weeks.
At the end of the first week we will take a first-chance test. If you score an
85 or above, you will not have to take the final test at the end of the second
week. I have attached the lists for the year to the syllabus. Keep
the lists somewhere at home so you have them to study in the event that you
forget your list at school. I’ve added two ten-word lists to begin this
semester which will not be on your master spelling lists so stay up-to-date by
listening in class and checking the class blog at williams.6th.blogspot.com.
We will take a break from spelling during test prep this semester.
Vocabulary: Every two weeks you will have a vocabulary list as well. We
will work with the words in class on daily work. It will be your responsibility to understand the meaning of the words
before the quiz, in other words...STUDY YOUR VOCABULARY WORDS. We
will have a quiz or test each week.
Reading Skills: We will read stories and texts aloud together as a class to
practice reading skills. The following units will be used this semester to
cover the skills listed along with others:
4-15 Greek and Latin Word Roots Unit incl. Spelling and Vocabulary
18-29 Life Under the Ice, nonfiction
text features, author’s purpose
1-12 Poetry Unit, Elements of Poetry, Figurative Language Review
15-26 Secrets of the Sphinx, Summarization,
Main Idea and Details
29-March 24 Test Prep with Benchmark Testing Mar. 10-11
28- May 12 Novel Unit: The Westing Game This unit will include multiple
vocabulary lists and character and plot activities to strengthen reading
skills. I’ve planned for more days than
we need for this unit as the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test for Reading will
occur sometime from April 11-May 13.
Test Skills: We will be using the CARS, STARS, and Extensions in Reading
programs to benchmark test periodically on reading test skills through the
first semester. We will also continue with pretest and post test on the Star
Reading program you have used in previous grades.
Parents: I am here to help your child be successful
and that works best if we work together. If you have concerns or
questions, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached by email
at mwilliams@p-t.k12.ok.us or by phone at 405-547-5715, if you
have to leave a message, I will return your call as soon as possible. If
you would like to visit, my planning period is from 9:13-10:02. You may
also get information about what’s happening on our class blog, http://williams6th.blogspot.com. Please
sign below and return after reviewing the information in this syllabus.
Thank You!
There are no extra
supplies required for this semester, however if you would like to donate to our
classroom the following would be greatly appreciated!
Baby Wipes Pencils Index Cards Highlighters
Many of the lessons presented in class will contain web-based
videos covering the content we are learning. Videos used are short in
length and support instruction in an informative and enjoyable manner. There is
a possibility of watching the full-length movie Get a Clue(1997) which
is based on the book The Westing Game after we complete our novel unit
in May. Signing and returning the syllabus will act as parent permission
to view this video. If you would
like to deny permission for the video, please check the proper space below the
signature line and I will provide an alternate compare/contrast assignment for
your child.
Student Signature: _____________________________________Hour:
Parent Signature: ______________________________________
Date: ___________
____ My child has permission to watch the videos used in class.
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