Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Spelling List

This Friday, August 21st will be our first-chance spelling test. We will have the final test on these words on August 28th.  Here's how I record grades for this process....
  • I will record ALL scores on the first test.
  • If the first test score is an 85 or above you are exempt from the second test, but can choose to retest if you would like.
  • At the time of the second test I will keep the grade that is the higher of the two scores.
  • In the event that you are absent on the second test, your first test score will stand.  If you have a planned Friday absence and are unhappy with the first test score I will gladly give you a test the Thursday before during library time. 
  • If you are absent on the first test, there are no make-ups, you will just take the second test.
Hopefully this helps you understand our routine.  Spelling make-up tests are difficult to fit in and this process will help tremendously.  I suggest studying hard for the first week...if you always pass the first only have spelling every-other week. :)

1. depth                       11. prompt
2. craft                         12. pitch
3. plunge                      13. else
4. wreck                       14. cliff
5. sunk                         15. pledge
6. film                          16. scrub
7. strict                         17. brass
8. bomb                        18. grill
9. switch                       19. stung
10. length                     20. plump

Try Spelling City to practice words online....

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